Trail Review: The Unfinished Symphony of Dallas' Latest Bike Trail

2 mi
424 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#535 place in the world
#2 place in the region
2 mi
424 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#535 place in the world
#2 place in the region


Situated just northeast of Dallas, Georgia, this budding trail currently offers around 2 miles of intermediate terrain. Though the trail network is still in its infancy, with plans for another 4 miles in the works, what it lacks in distance it tries to make up for in character. Termed as "old-school singletrack," the course winds through low areas beside a creek, surprisingly well-drained, but still leaves much to be desired in terms of design and maintenance.

How to Get There

From Dallas, proceed northeast on SR 381/Memorial drive for about a mile. A right turn onto Recreation Dr. (next to the Paulding County Library) will lead you past the library. You'll find parking near the tennis courts at the bottom of the hill.

Trail Features

  • Twisty Design: This trail loves curves. Looping through scenic creek-side vistas, the trail's design capitalizes on natural twists and turns.
  • Directional Trails: Depending on the day, the trail's direction switches. Make sure to check the signs and follow the appropriate arrows.
  • Varied Surfaces: From off-camber sections and rocky paths to areas blanketed in pine straw, the trail offers an assortment of challenges, especially on climbs.

Cyclist Insights

The consensus among riders is mixed, but there are some die-hard fans. These cyclists appreciate the trail's steep, arduous climbs and enjoy the satisfying descents that follow. They find the course suitable for laps to accumulate more miles. Clockwise riding appears to be a favorite.However, others decry the lack of foresight in trail design. Critics argue that the trail seems hastily thrown together, failing to utilize the natural topography effectively. Downed trees and poor signage further impede the riding experience, calling for urgent maintenance and TLC. Some riders, exasperated with the state of the trail, recommend opting for Mt Tabor Park nearby for a more enjoyable experience.

What Needs Work?

  • Maintenance: Downed trees and unclear paths are significant issues that need immediate attention.
  • Signage: Current signage is either damaged or missing in places, creating a sense of confusion.
  • Trail Expansion: The promise of additional mileage hangs in the air but is yet to materialize.

Final Thoughts

While still a work in progress, this trail offers a blend of twisty sections and challenging climbs. Given its proximity to Dallas, it serves as an accessible location for those in the area. But unless you're enamored with steep climbs and have a high tolerance for imperfections, this may not be the trail for you—at least not until it receives some much-needed upkeep and expansion.Rating: ⭐⭐For those interested in giving it a try despite its flaws, it's advised to monitor trail conditions and updates closely. The trail has potential but demands patience from riders keen to explore its incomplete melody.

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