Lake Herrick

1 mi
92 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2951 place in the world
#7 place in the region
1 mi
92 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2951 place in the world
#7 place in the region

Athens Intramural Trails: An Undiscovered Gem

Nestled close to the UGA campus in Athens, Georgia, the Athens Intramural Trails provide a delightful biking experience that appeals to a variety of riders. With its network style layout, it offers an array of routes with different characteristics, making it a must-try for cycling enthusiasts visiting the region.

Getting to the Trails

Access to these trails is relatively straightforward. Take the College Station exit on Loop 10 and head west into Athens. Upon reaching the first stoplight, make a left turn into the Intramural fields. The parking lot is conveniently located to the left, ensuring easy trail access.

Trail Features & Highlights

  • Diverse Landscape: With an array of routes available, riders can traverse rooty sections, smooth patches, and one particularly curvy downhill section that promises thrills.
  • Chimney Landmark: A notable feature, the old chimney, is located at the peak of the trails. It serves not just as an interesting landmark but also as a guide. The best runs are those leading to and descending from this point.
  • Variety in Distance: Despite being officially marked as a 1-mile trail, several cyclists have noted the existence of additional well-constructed singletrack routes, hinting at a potential for longer rides.
  • Rider Traffic: A noteworthy aspect is the trail's popularity among runners. This means that while cycling, riders need to remain vigilant, particularly around bends to avoid potential collisions.

Community Feedback & Tips

The cycling community has been generous in sharing their experiences and insights on this trail:

  • Many commend its proximity to the UGA campus, making it an easily accessible option for students and faculty.
  • Some areas of the course are marked with "no bikes" signs, indicating they're exclusive for runners.
  • The trail's network design appears to comprise an outer loop with crisscrossing internal paths, providing ample exploration opportunities.
  • While many parts of the trail promise smooth rides, cyclists should anticipate some root-infested areas that can challenge their bike-handling skills.
  • Recent visits suggest there's active work being done, with terrain construction near the old chimney area.

Final Recommendations

The Athens Intramural Trails offer a delightful blend of challenge and fun. Their intermediate rating means they're not too daunting for newcomers, yet they provide enough intricacies to keep seasoned riders engaged. However, the high foot traffic, especially from runners, requires riders to maintain caution, particularly during peak times. In summary, whether looking for a quick ride or an extensive exploration, these trails promise an enjoyable experience for every cyclist.

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