Steve's Loop in Fruita, Colorado: A Scenic Ride Along the Colorado River Rim

5 mi
65 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#2725 place in the world
#21 place in the region
5 mi
65 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#2725 place in the world
#21 place in the region

Quick Overview

The 5-mile Steve's Loop in Fruita, Colorado, offers an intoxicating blend of singletrack and doubletrack trails paired with magnificent views of the Colorado River. Suited for intermediate-level riders, the trail can be combined with other popular tracks in the area, like Mary’s Loop and Horsethief, to enhance your riding experience.

Trail Specifications

  • Distance: 5 miles
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Route Type: Point to point
  • City: Fruita
  • State: Colorado

How to Get There

From Fruita, take I-70 west and exit at Mack. Cross the interstate and drive southeast on the dirt frontage road for approximately 1 mile. Park at the base of the jeep road and start your ascent to the ridge.

The Ride Experience

Navigating the Trail

After the initial climb up the jeep road, riders will connect to Mary's Loop doubletrack. Passing Mack Ridge on the right and Moore Fun on the left, continue on the doubletrack until you reach the next right turn. Following this route leads to a singletrack segment that runs along the edge of the Colorado River. Optionally, one can continue along the rim to explore Steve’s Loop further.

Trail Highlights

  • Stunning views of the Colorado River
  • A combination of singletrack and doubletrack trails
  • A slot canyon that riders can explore
  • Option to connect with Mary’s Loop, Lion’s Loop, and other area trails

Tactical Considerations

  1. Equipment: Bring a camera to capture the jaw-dropping vistas.
  2. Route: Carrying a map is advisable to navigate through the trail network.
  3. Conditions: The trail has been somewhat compacted due to recent rainfall, making it less sandy but still technical in parts.

Rider Feedback and Tips

Previous Experiences

Riders who have tacked this onto Mary's Loop or Horsethief Bench Loop have found the trail highly enjoyable. The path offers a few technical sections but is generally smooth and rolling, providing a relaxed but thrilling ride. Steve's Loop offers a great way to extend your ride when you're already out in this area.


While the trail isn't too challenging, the ride up to Mary’s Loop can be demanding on the lungs, so prepare accordingly. The views along the ride are so captivating that even the most focused cyclists will feel compelled to stop and capture the moment.

Final Thoughts

Steve’s Loop serves as an ideal addition to any ride in the Fruita area. It delivers a perfectly blended trail experience, offering both technical features and cruisey segments. The unparalleled views of the Colorado River and the unique geological formations make this track impossible to forget. Whether you’re extending your ride or looking for a quick burst of nature's grandeur, Steve’s Loop is worth the detour.

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