Squirrel Gap

6.2 mi
324 ft
Elevation gain
Out & back
Route type
#4880 place in the world
#7 place in the region
6.2 mi
324 ft
Elevation gain
Out & back
Route type
#4880 place in the world
#7 place in the region

The Ultimate Guide to Mills River's Challenging Loop: A Gnarly Ride through Pisgah National Forest


Hidden within the heart of North Carolina's Mills River lies a bike trail that promises riders an epic, adrenaline-packed experience. Combining the scenic beauty of the Pisgah National Forest with a challenging terrain, this loop is the quintessential ride for those seeking to test their skills and endurance.

Trail Highlights

This 6.2-mile out-and-back loop seamlessly stitches together several trails:

  • Mullinax
  • Squirrel Gap
  • Buckhorn Gap
  • Black Mountain
  • Turkey Pen Gap

Riders should be prepared for a test of stamina with notable sections like Black Mountain requiring significant hiking. Here are some of the trail's attributes:

  • Flowy descents that are exhilaratingly fast
  • Predominantly rideable rocky patches
  • Off-camber sections and treacherous roots
  • Bench cut single track with a technical edge

Feedback from Fellow Cyclists

An amalgamation of reviews has painted a detailed picture of the trail:

  • Fun Factor: Compared to other trails in Pisgah, this loop offers faster rides, especially for those adept at navigating roots and tricky terrains. Descending to the Mullinax trailhead is particularly exhilarating.
  • Difficulty: The consensus among riders is clear: this trail is challenging. A masterclass in tech-gnar, the loop throws everything at its riders — from relentless climbs to treacherous roots.
  • Safety & Precautions: Given the technical demands, it's strongly advised not to tackle this trail solo. Bring ample water and ensure your bike is in optimal condition.
  • Recommendations: Starting at the Turkeypen Trailhead is the popular choice. From here, taking the SMR trail to Mullinax and then to Squirrel provides a rewarding experience. Depending on the pace, the trail can be completed in 1 to 3 hours.

Getting There

Set your GPS to Mills River, North Carolina. From Asheville, embark on route 280 towards Mills River. After passing through Mills River, take the Turkey Pen road on the west side of 280. This dirt road extends for about a mile, leading directly to the trailhead.

Final Thoughts

While the trail loop stands as one of the gems in the Ranger District of Pisgah, riders should approach with caution and preparation. The blend of technical challenge and scenic beauty promises a rewarding experience. However, as many cyclists have pointed out, the trail can be punishing. The views of the fall foliage and the exhilaration of conquering such a challenging trail make it all worthwhile for the adventurous cyclist.

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