Redneck Ridge: A Rollercoaster of Thrills and Spills in Eagle, Colorado

3 mi
2,429 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#3227 place in the world
#7 place in the region
3 mi
2,429 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#3227 place in the world
#7 place in the region


Eagle, Colorado, continues to make a name for itself in the mountain biking world, and Redneck Ridge is the epitome of what makes this area special. This 3-mile loop is perfect for intermediate riders looking for a bit of everything: thrilling descents, challenging terrain, and unparalleled scenic beauty. However, a word to the wise— the last section is not for the faint-hearted.

Navigating to the Trailhead

Starting off is straightforward. From I-70, take exit #147 and head south to the roundabout. Make the first right and then the first left onto Capitol to 3rd Street. Turn left and proceed just past the school, then turn left on Mill. Park in the open lot adjacent to the ball field at the corner of Bluff and Mill. Once parked, pedal east through the neighborhood until reaching the gravelly Bellyache Road, and continue to the gate.

Trail Characteristics

  • Terrain: A mixed bag of fast singletracks, steep descents, and swooping downhills.
  • Scenery: Pinyon pine and junipers decorate the trail, with a stunning backdrop of the Holy Cross Wilderness and Eagle Valley.
  • Challenges: Sharp rocks, root drops, and eroded, powdery sections toward the end.
  • Recommended Route: Start at Boneyard's switchbacks, veer left onto Redneck Ridge descent after 3.5 miles.

Cyclist Reviews and Insights

  • The Ascent: The climb up the Boneyard's switchbacks is a rewarding experience, setting riders up for the exhilarating downhill that follows.
  • Downhill Rush: Described as 'swooping, fast downhill with some steeps,' this section keeps riders on their toes with sudden changes in terrain.
  • Last Section Warnings: Some riders suggest that the last mile should be rerouted due to extreme erosion, causing a deep rut filled with powdery dirt.
  • Trailside Features: Optional trailside drops and jumps add an extra thrill for the adventurous.
  • Flatlander's Perspective: Even those coming from flat terrains like Florida find this trail to be a 'serious fun.'

Expert Tips and Precautions

The trail is a high-speed rollercoaster that commands attention and skill, especially toward the end where it becomes steep, rutted, and powdery. Lower your seat to navigate sharp rocks and root drops effectively. Always stay low on the berms and keep your feet high.

Concluding Thoughts

Redneck Ridge in Eagle, Colorado, offers an adrenaline-pumping ride with just the right blend of scenic beauty and challenging terrain. While most of the trail provides an exceptional mountain biking experience, the final section is notably controversial. Still, for those who consider themselves adept riders, this trail is definitely one to tick off the bucket list.

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