Quiet Waters Park

6 mi
220 ft
Elevation gain
Out & back
Route type
#4424 place in the world
#1 place in the region
6 mi
220 ft
Elevation gain
Out & back
Route type
#4424 place in the world
#1 place in the region

Quiet Waters Park Bike Trail, Annapolis: A Cyclist's Perspective


Quiet Waters Park, situated in the historic city of Annapolis, Maryland, offers a blend of serene landscapes, river views, and challenging terrains to entice both novice and experienced cyclists. This guide aims to shed light on the park's 6-mile bike trail, illuminating its intricate features and essential information for every bike enthusiast.

Trail Details

  • Distance: 6 miles
  • Level: Difficult
  • Route Type: Out & Back
  • Location: 600 Quiet Waters Park Road, Annapolis, Maryland.

Navigating the Trail

The trail is primarily split into two main parts:

  • The first segment runs as a 2-mile loop. Following the trail markers will lead cyclists back to the paved track.
  • Roughly 20 feet after the first loop's conclusion, riders will discover the second 2-mile segment on their right. This part culminates with another paved pathway.

Throughout the trail, cyclists can find intriguing side trails worth exploring, some of which offer picturesque views of the nearby river. The majority of these sub-trails provide a peaceful escape, although some may present challenges for the unprepared.

Trail Features & Challenges

While many consider this to be a straightforward trail, it isn't devoid of challenging sections. From short, steep inclines and declines interspersed with heavy root interference, to log obstacles and thin pathways over mudded stream beds, this trail can be deceptively demanding.However, such technical sections reward riders with a fulfilling workout and an adrenaline rush. In particular, cyclists who are comfortable with the Bacon Ridge trails might find this one a step up in terms of technical difficulty.Moreover, contrary to some jestful reviews, the biggest challenge isn't getting over the curb in the parking lot!

Practical Information

  • Getting There: Once at the address, 50 feet past the entrance, there's a crosswalk with paved roads on either side. Taking the right and proceeding for about 0.25 miles will lead to the trail head.
  • Parking: While the park itself has an entry fee, one can save some bucks by parking across the street in the shopping area.
  • Safety Note: There's a certain segment requiring road-crossing, so caution is advised.

Trail Etiquette and Rules

Be reminded that as per the Anne Arundel County Law, biking off paved surfaces in a County Park is currently prohibited. Always prioritize safety, and remember to respect both the environment and fellow trail users.

In Conclusion

Quiet Waters Park Bike Trail offers a delightful blend of scenic beauty and challenging terrains. Whether one's looking for an after-work exercise or an intensive biking session, this trail in Annapolis is worth the ride. However, always keep in mind to adhere to the rules and ride responsibly.

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