Pudding Pond Area

20 mi
1,293 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#4753 place in the world
#3 place in the region
20 mi
1,293 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#4753 place in the world
#3 place in the region

Sticks Stones Trail Network: North Conway's Hidden Gem

Set amidst the vibrant landscape of North Conway, New Hampshire, the Sticks Stones trail network presents nearly 20 miles of delightful singletrack. Evolving from its initial inception as a singular trail, it now stands as an expansive realm for mountain biking aficionados.

Finding the Sticks Stones Trail

  • Location: Make way to Artist Falls Rd by navigating under the train tracks off North South Rd. A right turn onto Thompson Rd, following the bend and slope downward, unveils the system head to the right.
  • Distance & Complexity: This intricate network spans 20 miles, catering predominantly to intermediate-level riders.
  • Trail Design: Varying in their layout, riders can expect everything from swift, level terrains to challenging ascents that culminate in gratifying descents.
  • Geographical Context: Nestled in North Conway, a picturesque part of New Hampshire.

Rider Reflections: Voices from the Trail

To truly grasp the essence of Sticks Stones, turn to the experiences of those who've navigated its paths:

  • Offering a less strenuous experience compared to other trails in the Rattlesnake Mountain area, this trail system remains an exhilarating venture, especially for those seeking a robust workout sans overwhelming challenges.
  • Many riders find the lower trails particularly appealing—fast and free-flowing, catering to varying expertise levels. One of the popular choices, the Rattlesnake trail, promises a thrilling ascent to the old quarry followed by an exhilarating descent.
  • This trail network doubles as a delightful family getaway, complete with engaging obstacles that keep younger riders entertained throughout.
  • However, Mother Nature often has her own plans—beaver activity in the vicinity might necessitate walking the bike in certain sections near the pond. Nevertheless, once past this zone, it's a smooth ride.
  • While the trails offer ample singletrack for hours of riding with intriguing features, especially on the Sticks and Stones trail, the lack of clear markings can be a minor hiccup. Yet, the power line coursing through the property ensures riders don't lose their bearings.
  • For those in search of versatility, Sticks Stones offers a variety of experiences. From quick spins on the Sidehill trail to extensive rides up the Outer Limits culminating in the Twilight Zone descent, choices abound. A pitstop at Redneck Rock guarantees panoramic vistas. Yet, seasoned riders might yearn for more challenging descents.

Concluding Thoughts

The Sticks Stones trail network, an emblem of North Conway's biking landscape, offers an immersive experience that fuses nature's splendors with well-designed trails. While it holds the promise of hours of enjoyment, slight enhancements, especially in trail markings, could further elevate its stature in the mountain biking community.

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