Fort Jackson Passage: A Gentle Off-Road Journey in South Carolina

8 mi
358 ft
Elevation gain
Very Easy
Out & back
Route type
#4300 place in the world
#5 place in the region
8 mi
358 ft
Elevation gain
Very Easy
Out & back
Route type
#4300 place in the world
#5 place in the region


Situated near Columbia, South Carolina, Fort Jackson Passage is a scenic 8-mile stretch that's part of the larger Palmetto Trail. Despite its modest distance, this trail offers riders an intriguing blend of natural beauty and challenges suitable for all skill levels.

Key Trail Features

  • Terrain: Predominantly sandy soil, with minimal elevation gains and a handful of obstacles
  • Difficulty Level: Very Easy to Moderate
  • Route Type: Out & Back
  • Trail Markings: Well-signposted with yellow flashes on trees and additional blue flagging tape in certain sections
  • Distance: 8 miles, although some claim the trail extends up to 16 miles

Trail Experience

The trail begins near Fort Jackson Gate 5 and essentially follows alongside Leesburg Road, albeit at a distance that allows for a serene and secluded ride. While the eastern part of Columbia is generally sandy, this trail seems to defy the drag usually associated with such terrain. The singletrack trail is well-maintained and shows little evidence of wear, likely due to the trail's relatively recent construction in 1999.Riders will find some areas with deep beach sand and pine straw, but these challenges seem to add a touch of fun rather than difficulty. Several technical spots exist, including a couple of technical climbs at roadways and a concrete drain for a pond that one must navigate over. However, these are more exhilarating than obstructive.

Getting There

To reach the trail, navigate to Fort Jackson Gate 5 in Columbia, South Carolina. Further directions and parking information are typically available through the Palmetto Trail website.

Cyclist Reviews & Tips

  • Keep an eye out for the blue markings, especially in areas undergoing greening-up or logging, to stay on track.
  • The trail has been described as an ideal choice for weeknight, off-road riding, particularly for those unable to travel to Harbison Forest.
  • Although it's an "out & back" route, riders have reported the journey feels more directional and purposeful, as opposed to the redundancy of a looped course.

Take Note

While Fort Jackson Passage has mostly received high praise, it's worth noting a few shortcomings:

  • Some riders found the sand in corners to be a minor hindrance, although this obstacle is usually navigable at slower speeds.
  • The trail can get leafy, particularly in February, making it slippery around corners.
  • Signage is clear, but could be more frequent for easier navigation.


Fort Jackson Passage offers a delightful ride that showcases the Midlands' landscape, perfect for those looking for a serene yet engaging cycling experience. Whether you're a beginner looking to break into off-road cycling or an expert seeking a quick but satisfying ride, this trail has something to offer.

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