Northeast Park Loop Trail Review: A Fast-Paced Ride with a Touch of Versatility

5 mi
244 ft
Elevation gain
Very Easy
Route type
#1917 place in the world
#6 place in the region
5 mi
244 ft
Elevation gain
Very Easy
Route type
#1917 place in the world
#6 place in the region


If you're looking for a quick, yet exhilarating ride, the Northeast Park Loop Trail situated in Greensboro, North Carolina might just be your next cycling destination. The 5-mile loop offers a good balance between scenic views and technical features that should cater to a range of cyclists. But before you jump into this adventure, there are a few peculiarities to be aware of.

How to Get There

  • From Hwy 29 N: Exit onto Hicone Rd. & turn RIGHT off the ramp. Follow Hicone until it ends, then turn LEFT onto Huffine Mill Rd., followed by another LEFT onto High Rock Rd. The first RIGHT is Northeast Park.
  • From Wendover Ave: Head EAST to Huffine Mill Rd. exit. Turn RIGHT off the ramp onto Huffine Mill Rd. Follow for 7.7 miles & turn LEFT onto High Rock Rd. Again, first RIGHT is Northeast Park.

For a more detailed route, consult the map at the park's entrance or refer to GPS directions.

Trail Highlights

  • Directional Versatility: The trail can be ridden in both directions, offering different riding experiences.
  • Fast Singletrack: Predominantly a fast, smooth track with a focus on speed rather than steep climbs.
  • Horse Awareness: Part of the trail is shared with horse trails, so a heads-up for equine encounters is essential.
  • Technical Spot: There's one particularly challenging hill with two options: the left being modest and the right featuring a near 90-degree drop.
  • Scenic Route: The ride along the ridge next to the river provides splendid views.

A Trail for All Ages

The Northeast Park Loop Trail has been praised for accommodating a wide range of ages, from 8 to 51, without compromising on the thrill factor. On a hot summer day, the water crossing adds an extra layer of fun.

What to Watch Out For

  • Lack of Signage: The biggest drawback seems to be poor trail marking. Familiarize yourself with the trail map before setting off.
  • Trail Condition: After rains, the trail might turn muddy and some parts may be closed for maintenance.
  • Park Renovations: Check for any ongoing construction work that might affect the trail route.

Expert Opinions and User Comments

Riders generally find the trail fun but note a lack of technical challenges. Several mention the trail has significant potential to be even better with some upgrades, such as berms and jumps.Some users have also complained about horse riders breaking the rules and going onto bike-only paths, so exercise caution around blind turns.

Final Thoughts

If you're nearby, the Northeast Park Loop Trail is definitely worth a spin. While it may lack in vertical challenges and could benefit from clearer markings, its quick pace and adaptable features make for a satisfying ride.So saddle up and take this trail for a spin—its rapid straights and sweeping bends will have you coming back for more.

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