The Bench Trail at Dardanelle: A Beginner's Paradise with Room for Growth

7 mi
231 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#3918 place in the world
#2 place in the region
7 mi
231 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#3918 place in the world
#2 place in the region

Quick Facts

  • Distance: 7 miles
  • Difficulty: Easy to Intermediate
  • Route Type: Network
  • Location: Dardanelle, Arkansas
  • Funding: $519K grant from the Walton Foundation for Phase 1

Introduction: A Trail with Promise

Opened on July 27, 2019, The Bench Trail was brought to life through a generous grant from the Walton Foundation. The first phase, Chickalah Loop, was skillfully constructed by Rock Solid Trail Contracting. Offering a splendid blend of easy sections and enough challenges to keep things interesting, the trail serves as a versatile riding destination for both newbies and seasoned cyclists.

Trail Details: What Awaits You

Here's what riders can expect:

  • Fast, flowy sections perfect for gaining speed
  • Rocky areas to challenge your technical skills
  • Beautiful berms and gradual climbs
  • Views of the mountain and the river valley

The Bench Trail is primarily a 4-mile beginner loop but extends to 7 miles through a network of routes. The trail starts out at a gazebo and performs an entire loop around the mountain. Due to the flat terrain, it's accessible to riders of all levels.

Accessibility and Amenities

Although the exact location requires a glance at a map, the trail is well-marked and easy to find. There's a good reason why it’s seen as a potential cornerstone for a future, more expansive singletrack network. It's clear that the trail has been built with future expansion in mind.

Cyclist Testimonials

"Great advanced beginner/intermediate loop. Fast, flowy trail interspersed with plenty of rocky sections.""Just a chill ride on an old road bed with great views and old forest. This park has potential for an epic singletrack."

Tips and Recommendations

  • Riders are advised to opt for a counter-clockwise (CCW) direction for a mix of fun, bumpy downhills and climbs.
  • If the weather has been wet, it's best to avoid the trail as it becomes excessively muddy.
  • Keep an eye out for fallen trees or other minor obstacles, although these are relatively rare.

Final Thoughts

For more information, you can visit MTB Arkansas.With a relatively flat terrain and sections that offer just enough challenge, The Bench Trail is the perfect place for both beginners and more experienced riders looking for a quick, satisfying ride. Given its young age and robust initial funding, this trail holds significant promise for the future. So, if you're anywhere near Dardanelle, Arkansas, this trail is certainly worth the detour.

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