Manly Gulch: A Hidden Gem in Mendocino's Wilderness

5 mi
1,008 ft
Elevation gain
Very Easy
Point to point
Route type
#3710 place in the world
#2 place in the region
5 mi
1,008 ft
Elevation gain
Very Easy
Point to point
Route type
#3710 place in the world
#2 place in the region

Mendocino's cycling trails have long been hailed for their pristine beauty and the challenges they offer. One such jewel, the Manly Gulch trail, is designed for those with a penchant for excitement and a thirst for nature's wonders.

Trail Overview

Essential Details:

  • Distance: 5 miles
  • Level: At least intermediate
  • Route Type: Point to point
  • City: Mendocino
  • State: California

Embarking on the Adventure

Beginning the journey, there's more to this trail than meets the eye. Contrary to what some might believe, Manly Gulch isn't for the faint-hearted. A few of the notable characteristics include:

  • Nature's Artistry: The trail, laced with redwoods and oaks, offers a mesmerizing display of nature. Winding through a dense forest, the path unveils the magic of the wilderness at every turn.
  • Challenge and Thrill: The single track, while narrow at places, promises sweeping turns and occasionally steep descents. The additional presence of big drop-offs adds a dose of adrenaline.
  • Three-in-One: This trail offers a trio of paths on one ridge, all presenting a single track adventure, ensuring every ride remains fresh and engaging.

Navigating the Route

The best way to find oneself on the right track is by visiting the "CATCH A CANOE & BICYCLES TOO!" shop. They'll steer any eager cyclist in the direction of an unforgettable ride. With a vast expanse of roads and trails, there's no chance of crossing paths with another soul, making the journey all the more intimate.A trail map, available for purchase at Catch a Canoe, is nothing short of a treasure. Detailed trail mappings of the entire area ensure that cyclists never lose their way, especially given the limited satellite reception.For those embarking on a longer journey, the trail presents myriad options. Starting from the Mendocino Woodlands campground, cyclists can explore routes like Boiler, Gas Cap, and Confusion Hill before finding themselves on Manly Gulch. The loop completes with routes like Staircase, Eagle's Roost, and Old Jeep Trail, offering diverse terrains and challenges.

Insider Tips

While the descent on Manly Gulch is a rewarding experience, the climb back up the forest history trail is currently off-limits due to logging activities. Opting for the fire road provides an alternative route, although it might test one's endurance levels.

In Conclusion

Manly Gulch stands as a testament to Mendocino's unparalleled beauty and the thrilling challenges its trails offer. Whether one is seeking serenity amidst nature or the thrill of challenging terrains, this trail has it all. Remember, it's not just about the destination, but the journey, and Manly Gulch ensures it's a memorable one. Safe cycling!

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