Hazard County: Moab's Fast-Paced Downhill Delight

2.7 mi
42 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#3952 place in the world
#18 place in the region
2.7 mi
42 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#3952 place in the world
#18 place in the region

Key Details

Nestled in Moab, Utah, the Hazard County trail provides a unique cycling experience for those seeking thrilling descents and panoramic vistas.

  • Distance: 2.7 mi
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Route Type: Point to Point
  • City: Moab
  • State: Utah

Diving into Hazard County

The Hazard County trail offers a superlative downhill segment, enriched with fascinating features at the top and bermed turns from the middle to its end. While Moab boasts several technical rides, this trail stands out for its speed, mesmerizing views, and sharp hairpin turns through scrub brush terrain.Initially a clandestine construction, the Hazard County trail gained official status in 2014, becoming a part of the esteemed 'Whole Enchilada - New Beginning' ride. It starts with an elevating climb leading to a ridge, followed by an exhilarating downhill journey. The first half invites adventurers with optional jumps and drops, although some portions do bear the marks of wear and are in need of care. Post the midpoint, amidst the short scrubby oaks, the trail unveils its true charm. Darting through the trees and cornering on wide berms become the highlights here. For those seeking a comfortable start, several Moab shuttle services offer convenient access to this trail.

Getting There

The primary trailhead for Hazard County is situated off the forest road directing towards Warner Campground. The trail's signposting begins roughly a mile southwest of Warner CG, but to experience its entirety, one might have to descend and then reclaim the height.

Rider Impressions

  • Flow and Maintenance: The trail's flow is undeniably one of its best features, especially after tackling a climb. As of late August 2015, two jumps were accessible, indicating some ongoing maintenance. And yes, with its expansive openness, the vistas are indeed breathtaking.
  • Moab's Uniqueness: Hazard County provides a refreshing contrast to many of Moab's trails. The trail is gentle yet fast-paced, with gracefully banked turns, expertly shaped kickers, and gap jumps. Unlike some of Moab's broader jeep roads, this one boasts of a genuine singletrack feel.
  • Shuttle Considerations: While the trail is a gem, if tackling 'the whole enchilada' ride, it's worth noting the long shuttle might not always justify the experience, especially if Burro is closed. However, with Burro in play, the trail serves as an exciting component of the ride.

In Conclusion

For riders eager to savor a blend of speed, flow, and spectacular views, the Hazard County trail in Moab, Utah is a must-ride. Its captivating turns, optional jumps, and immersive environment promise a memorable ride, ensuring cyclists return for more.

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