Hardesty Mountain Trail: A Brake-Burning Descent

6 mi
276 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#4869 place in the world
#4 place in the region
6 mi
276 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#4869 place in the world
#4 place in the region


Situated in the picturesque town of Oakridge, Oregon, the Hardesty Mountain Trail offers a thrilling adventure for biking enthusiasts. Stretching over 6 miles, this point-to-point route promises a challenging and exhilarating ride through the captivating PNW forest, promising both steep descents and flowy sections.

Essential Details

  • Distance: 6 mi
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Route type: Point to Point
  • City: Oakridge
  • State: Oregon

The Trail Experience

The Ascent

Hardesty Mountain Trail, true to its name, requires a considerable climb. To ease the uphill journey, many recommend availing a shuttle up the gravel road. The shuttle takes one to USFS Rd 5835, followed by a turn onto Rd 550. However, even with this assistance, expect a challenging 1 to 1.5-mile ride or push to reach the trail's pinnacle.

The Thrilling Descent

Once atop, riders are rewarded with a rapid, heart-racing descent down a narrow pine needle-laden path, cutting through a pristine PNW forest. The upper section surprises riders with a series of tight switchbacks, where a brief dismount might be necessary. As the trail progresses, it remains steep but offers smoother and flowier stretches, eventually leading to a wider and slightly rougher lower section. By the trail's end, riders find themselves near the tranquil reservoir below.

Combining Routes

For those seeking a lengthier adventure, this trail can be seamlessly connected with other trails in the vicinity, such as the Eula Ridge and the South Willamette Trail.

Getting There

While Google Maps provides details for the trail's lower endpoint, it's recommended to rely on GPS for locating the top of the trail.

What the Riders Say

Hardesty Mountain Trail is heralded as an Oakridge essential. Numerous riders have recommended consulting Oregon-Adventures for shuttle options, emphasizing the trail's fast-paced nature. However, this speed comes with the constant need for precision and braking due to the trail's steepness and exposure. The trail does cater more to intermediate to expert riders, but with a cautious approach, it's accessible even for the slightly less experienced.Moreover, while this trail is a gem, it's just one of the many that the area offers. Trails such as the South Willamette and Goodman Creek offer varied challenges, ranging from moderate to technically demanding routes. The area's diverse trails, from short out-and-backs to extensive loops, promise something for every rider.

In Conclusion

For those seeking a blend of challenge, speed, and nature's beauty, Hardesty Mountain Trail is a must-visit. Just remember to keep a tight grip on those brakes!

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