Flat Pass: Moab's Underrated Off-Road Adventure

10 mi
350 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#3623 place in the world
#15 place in the region
10 mi
350 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#3623 place in the world
#15 place in the region

Trail Essentials

When one thinks of Moab, visions of famous trails and challenging terrains come to mind. However, nestled among these celebrated paths lies the unsung hero: Flat Pass. A trail which, ironically, is far from flat.

  • Distance: 10 mi
  • Level: Difficult
  • Route Type: Point to Point
  • City: Moab
  • State: Utah

Riding the Terrain: An Overview

Flat Pass serves as a rugged jeep route, reminiscent of the iconic Porcupine Rim trail. Offering both intense elevations and descents - a hearty climb of 1,000 feet within the initial four miles, followed by a thrilling 1,500 ft descent over the succeeding six miles - this trail isn't for the faint-hearted. Ledges, ideal for both ascending and descending, dot the landscape, accompanied by numerous spots for stunts and freestyle maneuvers. A blend of deep sand patches and intoxicating slickrock elevates the thrill factor.Taking cues from the Steel Bender jeep trail, the route unveils a kaleidoscope of trail conditions and distinct topography. What sets Flat Pass apart is its location – snugly fitted between the mesas of the La Sal Mountains and the noticeable ridge demarcating Moab's northeast boundary (Spanish Valley). As a rare treat for desert aficionados, parts of Flat Pass run parallel to a perennial stream. The fusion of Navajo sandstone domes and the persistent water body makes for a picturesque backdrop.

Navigating to Flat Pass

Starting from Moab, head south and veer left upon spotting the sign for Ken's Lake. Trailblazers should continue till the pavement takes a sharp left turn, proceeding straight onto the awaiting dirt road. A short distance later, right before the cattle guard, a clearing presents itself for parking.For those preferring a shuttle vehicle, after taking the left onto Spanish Trail Road and navigating through a traffic circle, parking can be found on the right, post the golf course. The trail itself is pretty straightforward, with most intersections pointing towards "Steelbender" – an alternate name as it’s also recognized as the Steelbender Jeep Safari route.

Cyclist Takeaways

  • "Among Moab's myriad trails, Flat Pass stands tall as an unexplored marvel. Exceptional vistas, unmatched slickrock terrains, and the northern descents form a triad of pure mountain biking delight."
  • "While primarily for the seasoned rider, a physically fit and daredevil intermediate won't feel out of place. Notable mentions are the four creek crossings – gear up for a splashy adventure!"
  • "If the aim is to deviate from Moab's regular offerings or to dodge the usual throngs while still enjoying a quintessential Moab experience, then Flat Pass is the trail to traverse."

In Conclusion

Flat Pass is Moab's unheralded jewel – a path that promises both challenge and unparalleled scenic beauty. Whether you're a professional or an adventurous intermediate, this trail guarantees a day of adrenaline, thrills, and awe-inspiring landscapes.

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