Conquering Snow King Mountain: An Insider's Guide to the Ultimate Adventure Loop in Jackson, Wyoming

12 mi
267 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#3165 place in the world
#3 place in the region
12 mi
267 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#3165 place in the world
#3 place in the region


For riders seeking more than just a casual spin, the loop combining the best of Snow King Mountain's trails in Jackson, Wyoming, is nothing short of a challenging backcountry adventure. With a hearty mix of steep climbs, rapid descents, and stunning vistas, this trail rewards those who are willing to sweat it out.

Essential Trail Stats

  • Distance: 12 miles
  • Level: Difficult
  • Route Type: Loop
  • Starting Point: Cache Creek trailhead
  • Terrain: Forests, meadows, steep inclines, and rapid descents
  • Altitude Gain: Approximately 1,400 feet

The Loop Unveiled: Mile-by-Mile

The Initial Grind: Cache Creek to Ferrins Trail

Start your ride at the Cache Creek trailhead. Opt for the Hagen Trail and keep an eye out for the Ferrins Trail turnoff. Ferrins Trail will become your arduous yet rewarding pathway to the summit of Snow King Mountain. Prepare for a relentless three-mile zigzag ascent that gains about 1,400 feet.

From the Summit to Game Creek: Pure Joy

Reaching the summit saddle, you'll encounter a hub of various trails. Choose the West Game Creek Trail for an exhilarating five-mile descent. With each twist and turn, your brake pads and soul get equally nourished.

The Divide and Beyond: Cache Creek Catchment

Next, you'll take on a 2.2-mile steady climb up Game Creek Trail to reach the divide. Descend into the Cache Creek catchment and follow the Cache Creek Trail.

The Final Choices: Hagen or Putt Putt?

Two miles down, the Cache Creek Trail splits into Hagen and Putt Putt. While Hagen offers a rugged and rocky descent suitable for the seasoned rider, Putt Putt offers a less demanding ride but equally satisfying. Either way, both trails lead you back to the Cache Creek trailhead, completing your loop.

Tips and Preparations

  • A camera is a must; you won't want to miss these panoramas.
  • Fitness and advanced riding skills are prerequisites.
  • Always check your equipment, especially brake pads; you'll need them in top shape.

Closing Remarks: Is it Worth It?

Brimming with steep ascents, challenging terrains, and gratifying descents, this loop is the crown jewel of Snow King Mountain's biking trails. A haven for the seasoned cyclist, it offers everything from stunning meadows and forests to soul-lifting panoramic views. Completing this 12-mile loop not only offers a sense of achievement but also an unforgettable backcountry experience.Last updated: [Insert Date]

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