EKG: A Heartbeat of Adventure in Klondike Bluffs

4.5 mi
147 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#4459 place in the world
#13 place in the region
4.5 mi
147 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#4459 place in the world
#13 place in the region


Within the heart of Moab's majestic biking landscapes, EKG pulsates with a rhythm synonymous with its namesake. A trail characterized by its constant elevation fluxes, it beautifully parallels the peaks and troughs of a heartbeat. Traversing primarily through slickrock terrains that evoke lunar landscapes, riders journey across sections, each distinct in its challenges and aesthetics.

Quick Facts

  • Distance: 4.5 mi
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Route Type: Point to point
  • City: Moab
  • State: Utah

The Pulse of EKG

Tracing the contours of the Klondike Bluff, EKG engages riders in a mesmerizing dance of uphill grinds and downhill thrills. The trail's dynamic terrain is infused with natural barriers that test skills and quick reflexes. Stretches of this ride take one through the shadows of Pinion Pine trees, while others challenge with armored ascents over minor crests.Among the highlights, the slickrock sections are particularly intriguing, dotted with craters varying in magnitude. Linking these are the winding paths through forestry and elevations that push cyclists' limits, albeit in short, manageable spurts. These multifaceted challenges make EKG an iconic addition to Moab's trail inventory.

Navigating the Trail

Incorporating a vivid marking system, the trails in this network employ painted lines on the slickrock, color-coded by trail:

  • Klondike Bluffs: White
  • Baby Steps: Blue
  • Mega Steps: Green
  • Little Salty: Yellow
  • EKG: Orange

The recommended route for EKG is from north to south, offering a more downhill orientation which simplifies negotiating the undulating slickrock sections. Notably, despite its persistent elevation changes, EKG doesn't pose any extended steep climbs. But be ready for a workout! The constant terrain changes may have even seasoned cyclists averaging a modest 4-5 MPH. For those seeking a balanced experience, consider beginning at the south parking, ascending via Dino-Flow, and making a triumphant return on EKG.

Rider's Insights

  • "EKG is a rollercoaster of a ride. With slickrock patches seamlessly merging with singletrack sections, it's an ever-evolving thrill."
  • "Balancing on the cusp of intermediate and advanced, it's a delightful challenge for those looking to push their limits."


EKG, with its unique terrain and pulsating rhythm, stands out as an exceptional biking trail in Moab's Klondike Bluffs. It beckons riders for an adventure that resonates long after the ride is over, promising an experience both challenging and rewarding in equal measure.

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