Corner Canyon: Utah's Versatile Cycling Playground

5 mi
675 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#3470 place in the world
#2 place in the region
5 mi
675 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#3470 place in the world
#2 place in the region

Essential Trail Info: Know Before You Go

  • Distance: 5 miles
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Route type: Loop
  • City: Draper, Utah

Overview: A Hidden Gem Unveiled

Nestled in the heart of Draper, Utah, the Corner Canyon trail system has graduated from a hidden local gem to a renowned playground for cyclists. The wide array of options in this trail network caters to riders of different tastes, offering everything from smooth climbs to exhilarating descents.

How to Get There: Start Your Adventure

To reach the Corner Canyon trailhead, exit I-15 on Bangerter Highway and head east. Make a left on Highland Drive and continue on this road until the trailhead comes into view. The area provides ample parking, restrooms, and water facilities.

The Ride: A Journey Full of Choices

Trail Highlights

  • Picnic Shelters: Two picnic shelters serve as waypoints to further adventures.
  • Multiple Routes: Several trails peel off from these shelters, leading to exciting downhill or even more challenging routes.
  • Concrete Overpass: The ride takes you through natural terrain and man-made structures alike, making the ride versatile.
  • End Game: Concludes at the same trailhead, making navigation a breeze.

What to Expect: Terrain, Traffic, and Tips

  • Soil Condition: Hard, compact soil makes for a quick ride.
  • Traffic: Be cautious, as the trail can get crowded with hikers and uphill riders.
  • Time of Day: Riding in the early morning or late evening is recommended to avoid the heat and crowds.

Personal Experiences: Riding Like a Local

The climb is steady but manageable, offering a perfect warm-up for what comes next. The descent is where the trail truly shines, especially if you opt for the 'Rush' route, which is a downhill-only path with small features and jumps that make it a thrill-seeker’s paradise. However, do keep an eye out for those climbing uphill; traffic management can be a little tricky during peak hours.

Community Insights: Shared Wisdom

Riders rave about the trail's diverse options and superb flow. Many prefer it over other famous Utah locales like Moab or St. George, citing its accessibility as a key factor. The trail is praised for its fantastic design and maintenance, with shoutouts to the trail workers for keeping the system in top shape.

Conclusion: Why It’s a Must-Ride

With a balanced blend of climbs and descents, the Corner Canyon trail system offers a rewarding experience for intermediate riders. The trail offers a variety of routes, making it hard to ride the same trail twice, unless you want to. Whether you are a local or a visitor, missing out on this versatile playground would be a cycling sin. So saddle up and explore the endless options that Corner Canyon has to offer.

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