Cedar Glades Trail: The Jewel of Hot Springs, Arkansas

10 mi
394 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#4769 place in the world
#1 place in the region
10 mi
394 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#4769 place in the world
#1 place in the region


Discover Cedar Glades Trail, a 10-mile loop nestled in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Often praised for its well-maintained course, the trail offers an adrenaline-pumping experience for intermediate riders. With enough twists, turns, and modest yet challenging climbs, Cedar Glades promises a satisfying ride that will keep you on your toes. Although not overly technical, the route features thrilling descents and swift creekside rides that make it a must-visit for any mountain biking enthusiast.

Trail Features

  • Downhill Sections: Fast and fun, these parts of the trail offer a unique adrenaline rush.
  • Switchbacks: A single large climb adorned with challenging switchbacks.
  • Creek Crossings: Engage with nature through multiple creek crossings.
  • Twists and Turns: The trail winds in and out of small valleys and coves, keeping the ride interesting.
  • Skills Section: Near the trailhead, find a playground of wooden features to test and improve your skills.

Accessibility and Parking

The trailhead is easily accessible from downtown Hot Springs. Take Central Ave (Hwy 7) north until you reach Whittington Ave, and turn left. Your first right will be Cedar St, follow until a 4-way stop, then bear right onto Cliff St, which becomes Cedar Glades Road. The trailhead is about 2 miles down the road on your right.

Riding Experience

The Good

  • Well-Maintained: Kudos to Hot Springs Bicycle Association (HSBA) for keeping the trail in excellent condition.
  • Diverse Terrain: From fast downhills to tight twists, the route offers something for everyone.
  • Great for Groups: The trail accommodates riders of varying skill levels, making it perfect for group rides.

The Bad

  • Signage Issues: The trail has received criticism for its poor marking and can be confusing at intersections.
  • No Overly Technical Sections: Hardcore riders looking for a very technical ride might find it a bit lacking.

The Ugly

  • Trail Conditions: While generally well-maintained, some muddy spots can appear after rains. However, boardwalks are being constructed to mitigate this issue.

Final Tips

  • Check Weather: As the trail can get muddy, it's good to check the weather before heading out.
  • Watch for Updates: Occasionally, the trail might undergo changes or maintenance, so stay updated for the best experience.

Trail Etiquette

Given the trail's popularity, it's crucial to maintain good trail etiquette. Always yield the trail to other users when necessary, and remember to pack out what you pack in.


Cedar Glades Trail offers a well-rounded, satisfying ride for mountain bikers in the Hot Springs area. It may not be the most technical trail around, but it more than makes up for it with its fast descents and challenging climbs. The HSBA deserves much credit for maintaining this hidden gem. With a little improvement in signage, this trail could easily become a top destination for riders in the state of Arkansas.

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