Apex Trail Network: A Technical Uphill, Exhilarating Downhill Experience

8 mi
1,136 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2729 place in the world
#1 place in the region
8 mi
1,136 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2729 place in the world
#1 place in the region


Nestled in the scenic landscape of Golden, Colorado, the Apex Trail Network promises an intense, yet rewarding experience for seasoned mountain bikers. Spanning 8 miles, this challenging route can be described as nothing short of a rollercoaster, both literally and figuratively. Here's everything a rider should know before embarking on this technical marvel of dirt and rock.

How to Get There

From the intersection of I-25 and 6th Ave. in Denver, travel west on 6th Ave. As you approach the foothills, drive under I-70. Turn left at the first stoplight onto Hwy. 40 and continue for about a mile. Look for the Heritage Square parking lot on your right; it's the gateway to your adventure.

Trail Description

The Initial Ascend: Apex and Pick n' Sledge Trails

Start at the Heritage Square parking lot and take the Apex Trail west into Apex Gulch. A mile in, you'll hit a fork; make a right onto Pick n' Sledge. This initial section is renowned for its rock obstacles, setting the tone for the technicalities to come.

The Loop: Grubstake and Enchanted Forest

The Pick n' Sledge trail connects with the Grubstake loop. Opt for a right onto Grubstake and follow the trail as it spirals around the mountain. When the Sluicebox Trail beckons, it's a sign to make your way back to the Apex Trail. From here, there are two options: either ascend further up Apex and then descend through the Enchanted Forest, or do the loop in reverse. Both choices are rife with steep inclines and fast descents.

Key Trail Features

  • Altitude gain: Approximately 1000 ft.
  • Terrain: Packed dirt punctuated with rocky sections
  • Route Type: Network
  • Level: Difficult
  • Directional restrictions: Certain segments like the Enchanted Forest are directional on odd days.

What Riders Are Saying

  • "Good trail. Well maintained. Very popular with hikers on weekends."
  • "Pure fun, but lots of traffic."
  • "Great for both beginners and advanced riders due to its technical challenges."
  • "A high-traffic multi-use trail; be mindful of hikers and equestrians."

Additional Tips

  • Given the trail's popularity, weekdays are recommended for a less crowded experience.
  • Many riders mention seeing wildlife including elk and rattlesnakes, so keep an eye out.
  • Bring purification tablets if you're considering drinking from the brooks along the trail.


Apex Trail Network doesn't just offer a ride; it provides a narrative of endurance, technical mastery, and the ultimate downhill euphoria. This challenging trail network is a jewel in the Colorado biking scene. Prepare to be tested, but rest assured, the sweat and gears are well worth it.

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