The Truth About "World's Greatest" Trail: An Exciting Yet Polarizing Ride in Eagle, Colorado

8 mi
1,457 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2862 place in the world
#1 place in the region
8 mi
1,457 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2862 place in the world
#1 place in the region

Quick Facts

  • Distance: 8 miles
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Route Type: Loop
  • City: Eagle
  • State: Colorado

Introduction: Is it Really the World's Greatest?

Nestled in Eagle County, "World's Greatest" is a trail that often sparks intense debate among mountain bikers. Known for its scenic views, challenging uphill sections, and adrenaline-inducing downhill, this trail packs a lot of variety into an 8-mile loop. However, whether it lives up to its name is a point of contention.

Trail Characteristics: From Pleasant Uphill to Techy Downhill

  • Uphill: Mostly easy, featuring winding switchbacks through juniper forests. Two steep climbs near the top will test your endurance.
  • Downhill: Starts techy with rock fields and berms, transitioning into wider singletrack, ending with six-foot-high walls for turns.

The uphill ride starts off gently with plenty of switchbacks. It offers refreshing downhill rollers during the climb to counterbalance the occasional steep section. Near the summit, however, two challenging climbs can get the heart pounding.Once you conquer the climb, prepare for the descent—arguably the trail's highlight. Initially technical, riders must navigate rocks and berms. But once past this stage, the trail opens into a wider singletrack, culminating in an alley with six-foot walls tailor-made for turns.

Getting There: Starting at Brush Creek Elementary

To find the trailhead, begin at Brush Creek Elementary School. If you're unfamiliar with Eagle, drive through town and take a left onto Capital Street. The school will be on your right. From the school parking lot, follow the bike path uphill for approximately 200 yards. At the fork, go right, and soon you'll find the trailhead for Abrams. Continue on singletrack, staying right at any forks. Eventually, you will encounter "World's Greatest" on your right.

Pros and Cons: A Trail That Divides Opinion

Cyclists' opinions on "World's Greatest" are polarized, to say the least. Some praise its varied terrain and steep sections, while others argue it's overrated, citing washed-out and rutted areas. One of the criticisms focuses on the downhill sections, describing them as too dry and dusty. This may not be your first choice during the dry season, given the soil's talc-like consistency.If you're interested in a less-traveled option, consider the Abrams to Star Wars route for a ride with less loose rock.

Final Thoughts: Worth the Hype or Not?

"World's Greatest" may not be for everyone, but it's a trail that shouldn't be overlooked if you're in the Eagle area. While it may not live up to its audacious name, this loop offers enough challenges and thrills to deserve a spot on your Colorado mountain biking bucket list.

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