Mountain Bike Trails in Utah

Best Mountain Bike Trails in Utah

For those cyclists who've felt the thrill of Northern Skyline, Ogden's newest trail adventure awaits. A path that demands resilience, offers panoramic views, and promises a
10.8 mi
Snow Basin, located in Ogden, Utah, stands as a treasured destination for cycling enthusiasts, boasting a comprehensive trail system filled with natural challenges, flowing
26 mi
Situated in the picturesque terrains of Ogden, Utah, the Sardine Peak Loop beckons cyclists with its well-constructed trails, panoramic views, and the promise of an
8 mi
Situated in the heart of Ogden, Utah, the North Ogden Divide Trail tempts every avid cyclist with its potent blend of demanding climbs, breathtaking views, and thrilling
7.5 mi
Perched amidst the famed Snowbasin network, the Greenpond trail gleams as a gem for both bikers and hikers alike. With its easy gradient and delightful terrain, it beckons
5 mi
Hidden amidst the towering peaks of Utah, the Ogden Overlook Trail stands as a testament to the state’s unparalleled beauty. With its short yet rewarding ascent and the
6 mi
Nestled close to the heart of Ogden, Utah, the Bonneville Shoreline Trail serves as an exhilarating escape for many biking enthusiasts. Whether one is seeking a quick
7 mi
When it comes to mountain biking, the north side of 12th Street on the shoreline emerges as a captivating canvas for thrill-seekers. While Ogden, Utah has many paths to offer,
8 mi
Beyond the shadow of the Wasatch mountains in Utah, the Antelope Island trails stand as a year-round biking option, offering a unique blend of challenges and scenery. While
15 mi
Cyclists looking for the ultimate multi-day experience, the White Rim Trail, nestled in Utah's magnificent Canyonlands National Park, provides a captivating adventure. The
103 mi